Grazing Naturally Fundamentals Workshop at Mt Beevor Station

Grazing Naturally Fundamentals Workshop at Mt Beevor Station

About this event

The SA Regen group are holding a reworked and updated Grazing Naturally Fundamentals Workshop with Dick Richardson and Angus Downer at Mt Beevor station, covering the basics of ecology, plant growth and the principles of Grazing Naturally.

Expect detailed concepts simplified for implementation on a large farm, driving improvements in resilience and profitability for your own business.

Topics covered:

  • The soil building process
  • The carbon cycle
  • The functioning of ecological communities in relation to soil building
  • How plants, animals and living organisms build soil
  • The variables of grazing
  • The Grazing Naturally System
  • Animal Supplements
  • Assessing feed availability
  • In paddock session on plant health, soil building and grazing management
  • Q&A Session

Event Includes:

  • Information Packs
  • Lunch, Coffee & Tea

When: Fri., 28 October 2022 - 10:00 am – 4:00 pm ACDT

Where: Harrogate, South Australia


This project is supported by the Murraylands and Riverland, and Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Boards through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and landscape levies

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